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English translation for "between layers"


Related Translations:
nothing between:  无交易
between centres:  中心间距
btn between:  在中间之间
between assay:  测定间批间分析
meantime between repairs:  平均修理间隔时间
space between piles:  堆间距离
concentration between undertakings:  企业生产集团化
between farming system:  间作方式
between the acts:  幕间散文集
Example Sentences:
1.The migration of iodide ion between layers is controlled by barrier interlayers .
2.Transforming model of soil moisture between layers of
3.Tidal currents cause mixing between layer , so that the waters become only moderately stratified
4.A green itchy material that collects between layers of clothing , especially in unmentionable places
5.Methods of testing plastics - mechanical properties - determination of cohesion between layers of laminated tube
塑料试验方法.第3部分:机械性能.试验方法346a :层压管层间粘附力测定
6.And the plastic sway between layers is calculated by analysis of plastic history and the simplified calculation method
7.The electronic is woven into a fabric , which finds itself between layers of water resistant felt as sandwich material
8.Secondly , the triangle meshing of contour loops that includes triangle plane filling between layers and section triangle plotting was accomplished
9.The ejb advocate shows how to design method signatures to minimize the " chattiness " between layers and get the most out of your ejbs
Ejb倡导者说明了如何设计方法签名来最小化层之间的"隔阂" ,并最大程度的利用您的ejb 。
10.I understand your point about trying to minimize chattiness between layers , but it seems like you are trading away maintainability for performance
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